This New York Wedding Officiant knows:
Your wedding is a ceremony of transformation.
Your ceremony is the center of your wedding day.
You are the center of the ceremony.
Tulis McCall, Celebrant
Quick – tell me three elements of a wedding with the exception of “I do,” flowers and rings.
Most people are a little embarrassed when they come up with ZERO here. But, but, but!!! Why would you remember? It is not your job. Unless you are in the business of making weddings happen. Florists, caterers, wedding planners and we wedding celebrants – we know the elements. We backstage folk are the ones who pull the strings to make that an easy slide into Home Plate.
Guests don’t know. The guests’ job is to love up the couple getting married. And, the engaged couple, you don’t know either. I call this the “You’re in love. You’re engaged. Now what??” chapter of your relationship.
For this chapter – I got your back. And trust me – you got this.
What type of ceremony is right for you?
The good news is that there’s only one thing required: you pledge yourselves to one another in front of witnesses (some states don’t even require a witness, but you can’t get away without a celebrant to sign that license…). There’s no bad news. You get to have your wedding any way you want – even if it is a trip to the marriage bureau for a 10 minute ceremony. Your wedding is your wedding. Y-O-U-R-S. Not your parents’ or your grandparents’ or your best friend’s aunt who was like a mother to you.
White Glove — My Specialty
You have seen it all and done it all. Now you want someone else to do the heavy lifting. Whatever date you choose, I will be 100% available for the entire day. I bring my decade of experience to satisfy your every ceremony wish. We will use my White Glove Questionnaire to craft your unique ceremony, including your vows as well as personal rituals that involve your family and friends.
NOTE - if you wedding requires that I am committed to you for the entire day because of travel requirements, this is your ceremony. (Travel fees apply)
Custom Ceremony
You are a couple who wants to work in detailed partnership with your celebrant to create a ceremony that supports your vision and will be a life-long gift to your family and friends. This ceremony utilizes the Classic Couple’s Questionnaire.
You want a ceremony that is brief as well as engaging. Perhaps you have just decided now is the time and you want to be married as soon as possible without a lot of fuss and planning. Perhaps you want a ceremony without a lot of guests. Like perhaps NONE. You, however, don’t want to go to City Hall. Feh on City Hall.
Petite Ceremonies performed weekdays and on weekends before 4:00 PM.
Simple, simple, simple ceremonies in my office, or across the street in Saint Nicholas Park.